TVCS will move to Online Only Instruction starting after Thanksgiving Break and continuing until after Martin Luther King Jr. Day (November 30th through January 15th).  

TVCS continues to prioritize the safety and health of students and staff and is making this decision based on trusted sources of information reflecting an increased risk of continuing in-person learning.

The two week average of case per 100,000 people that determine the risk categories for schools in Ada County  is currently at 48, over double the 20 case threshold that puts our school in category 3, the highest risk category.  Case rates can be viewed on the public tableau here  Governor Little also recently signed an executive order moving Idaho back to Stage 2, reflecting that Idaho overall is being negatively impacted by a large rise of cases across the state.  

TVCS is also beginning to see an impact of increased cases with over a dozen students beginning quarantine over the last 2 weeks because of family members testing positive for Covid. 

TVCS will be in person for the week of November 16-19 to allow teachers and students the opportunity to prepare for this period of online learning.  Families may choose to keep their students home during this week if they wish.  

Questions or concerns in regards to this transition can be directed to the front office at (208) 336-2000 or